Ignite God’s call in the hearts of young people.
Unique trainings for Camps, Churches, and Campus Ministries
Benefits of Being Trained
Each easy-paced, 3-week training costs just $45
Culture of the Call in Churches
There are so many things churches can do to encourage young people to listen for God’s voice in their lives! How many is your church doing?
Culture of the Call for Camps & Retreats
Add conversation about Call to your camping and retreats toolbox. Make it clear to your campers that God is moving in their lives even now.
Culture of the Call in Campus Ministry
Students deeply think about their call while in Campus Ministry. Make sure you’re prepared to give them the tools they need.
Each easy-paced, 3-week training costs just $45
Next Actions
1. Sign up for a training that fits your schedule.
2. Integrate what you learn into your ministry.
3. Feel the increased energy and excitement as people respond to God’s spirit!

What Others Are Saying
“I would recommend this course to anyone who is a youth leader in the church.”
“The online discussions were my favorite part of the course. Learning from each other was a great experience.”
“It was helpful for me to hear the various ways the Lord can work.”